After arriving safely on the farm the previous day, and after a good night's rest, the Macavities got all dressed up for the most special day of the year.
The Macavities where up at the crack of dawn, to load the van for the trip to their holiday destination. Drive safely!
(And what would a story, i.e. countdown from Sugarbush Valley be without a contribution from my friend Sigrun. Thank you Sigrun for the wonderful photo. I couldn't have done it better myself!)
The woman weren't particularly happy with the men's choice of the very informal Hamburger Restaurant for their last dinner of the year. But they did enjoy the evening and the food were delicious.
Cassandra decided to visit the newly opened Deli of the Corntops, with the girls. She wanted to surprise her sister with some produce exclusive to Sugarbush Valley.
So after yesterday's pampering session, today it was back to reality for Cassandra. She was up early to take the dirty laundry to Mae's Laundromat. Mae promised her that it will be washed and ironed before they leave.
Today Cassandra took the herself and the girls for some pampering. Or rather she and Grizabella enjoyed some pampering while the Gussie and Skimble was entertained by the Trunk girls. Savannah was so kind to have them use her living room as neither Margaret nor Dorothy has a salon yet.
Grizabella took it upon herself this year to motivate her siblings to write their own Christmas cards. Misstoffeless didn't waste too much time, but it does seem as if little Skimble is wondering what to write. What do you think is Rumpus up to.
Cassandra made a long distance call to her sister on "Middelplaas". They had a wonderful chat about their visit, and ended the conversation of promises to see each other soon.
After a thorough room clean and organising all belongings, Asparagus discovered that her favorite dollhouse is broken. She MUST take it on vacation, as she knows that she and her nieces will have a wonderful time playing with it, but first Uncle Edward must fix it.
Cassandra wanted to ensure that they will get no "sick child" surprises during their holiday, therefore Doctor Fisher did thorough health inspections and prescribed enough medicine to see them through the vacation.
Today is last day of the school term, which also means that it is time for the annual Prize Giving Ceremony. Rumpus surprised everyone, including himself by being awarded the "Good Fellowship Award".
As a special treat to the girls Cassandra took them shopping for new shoes. They had to make a lot of tough decisions, it was especially Skimble who couldn't decide which pair to choose.
This is Grizabella's favorite time of the year, as she gets to bake the Christmas cakes and some other delicious cookies. Tilly, her best friend, is always very eager to help her.
Cassandra was not in the least worried about her children's unhappiness about the trip, she knew they would come around. Making a list of everything to do was much harder, she was so worried something would be forgotten.
Lauren Fisher and Ike Mulberry, best friends of Asparagus and Mistoffeles, were quite upset about the news that their friends will be away for the whole of the summer vacation. "We will have no fun together!" moaned Ike.